关于「 conversion ticket」的内容列表

MARA Acquires 15,574 BTC and Holds a Total of 44,394 BTC

Bitcoin miner MARA raised $1.925 billion through convertible notes in November and December. Using the proceeds from its zero-coupon convertible note offering, MARA acquired 15,574 bitcoins at approximately $98,529 per bitcoin, valued at approximately $1.53 billion, and repurchased the total principal of the existing convertible notes maturing in 2026 for approximately $263 million, and expects to use the remaining proceeds to buy more bitcoins. MARA's BTC yield is 22.5% for QTD and 60.9% for YT...

2024-12-19 13:04:21
Bitcoin miner MARA completes $1 billion convertible note financing

Bitcoin miner MARA completes the $1 billion convertible note financing, which includes a $150 million note issued under a purchase option granted to the initial purchaser under the purchase agreement, with a purchase option term of 13 days from the date of the initial issuance of the note, the original purchaser is fully exercised on November 19, 2024, and the additional purchase is completed on November 20, 2024.

2024-11-21 13:16:27
Bitcoin miner Terawulf plans to raise $350 million through private issue of convertible notes

Bitcoin miner Terawulf is proposing to raise $350 million through a private issue of convertible notes, which would also give initial purchasers of the notes an option to add $75 million within 13 days of its issuance. The company has not finalized pricing and interest rates for the offering, but said the notes will mature in 2030. Terawulf intends to use the proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes and to repurchase its outstanding common stock by December 2025 for up to $200 m...

2024-10-24 03:57:57
Mining company Marathon Digital follows MicroStrategy strategy and borrows to buy bitcoin to deal with mining woes

Bitcoin miner Marathon Digital recently sold $300 million of convertible notes to buy 4,144 bitcoins, mirroring MicroStrategy's strategy, a move that reflects the mining industry's woes: Mining profits have plummeted and miners have had to find other ways to stay afloat. Marathon recently posted on X that instead of buying more mining equipment, "consider...

2024-08-28 04:53:32
Marathon Digital emulates MicroStrategy by borrowing to buy bitcoin to meet mining challenges

Bitcoin miner Marathon Digital recently sold $300 million of convertible notes to buy 4,144 bitcoins, following the strategy of MicroStrategy, whose executive chairperson Michael Saylor borrowed money to buy bitcoin on a large scale, making his company one of the largest bitcoin holders in the world.

2024-08-27 21:14:32

7x24 快讯

22:40 2025-03-22
22:04 2025-03-22
21:36 2025-03-22
Max Keiser:以黄金为支撑的稳定币将在全球市场中超越与美元挂钩的稳定币
根据比特币极端主义者Max Keiser的说法,由于黄金的抗通胀特性和最小的波动性,黄金支持的稳定币将在全球范围内超越美元挂钩的替代品。Keiser认为,在全球范围内,黄金比美元更受信任,并表示与美国存在敌对关系的外国政府不会接受美元挂钩的稳定币。 这位比特币极端主义者补充说:“俄罗...
21:12 2025-03-22
3月23日,Coinmarketcap数据显示,山寨币季节指数(Altcoin Season Index)现报21,该指数显示在过去90天内,市值前100加密货币中约21个项目涨幅超越比特币,市场仍处于比特币主导的季节。 据悉,CMC加密货币山寨季指数是一个实时指标,用于判断当前加密货币市场是否处于山寨币主导的季节。该指数基于前100大山寨币在过去90天内相对于比特币的表现。
20:29 2025-03-22
19:59 2025-03-22
19:29 2025-03-22
19:19 2025-03-22
18:52 2025-03-22
据 Dune Analytics 数据显示,以太坊信标链质押总量达34,167,913枚 ETH,质押 ETH 占总供应量的 27.83%。其中,流动性质押协议 Lido 的质押份额达 28.78%。此外,自上海升级后净流入 15,049,243 枚 ETH。
18:22 2025-03-22
17:48 2025-03-22
数据:Polygon PoS在三月份使用USDC地址数量超越Base,达91.4万个
Polygon联合创始人Sandeep Nailwal在社交平台上表示,Polygon PoS在三月份使用USDC地址数量上超越Base,达到91.4万个地址,而Base为63.9万个地址。
17:18 2025-03-22